Fish is a sea animal. There are many types of fish in the water. Here I will discuss Sharks. By reading the word Shark, the question is arising in your mind automatically that what are sharks? Shark is a long-bodied marine fish with a cartilaginous skeleton, a prominent dorsal fin, and tooth-like scales. Most sharks are predators. They do not live in freshwater. They love to live in deeper waters.

Do Sharks have bones?
Whenever we listen to the word Shark, we get very curious about whether sharks have bones? Nature has created sharks as majestic sea animals. From the great white Shark to the large whale shark, these are known as bony fish made up of bones. Now you are thinking about the jellyfish because they are also bony fish. No, don’t compare sharks to jellyfish. They are not jelly-type creatures but made up of bones. I will further discuss the skeleton of the Shark.
The skeleton of Sharks:
Unlike the other fish, the shark skeleton is made up of cartilage. Cartilage is a flexible but strong connective tissue that is also present in the human body, like in the ears, nose, and joints between bones. Sharks, rays, skates, and rat fishes all have a cartilaginous skeleton.
What is cartilage?
It is an important structural component of the body. It is a firm tissue, but it is softer than bones. It is less dense than bones. It helps sharks to swim in water without using too much energy.
Pectoral Fins:
Unlike many fishes, the pectoral fins of sharks are located on both sides of their body, behind the gill slits. They help sharks in lifting while swimming in the water, just like airplanes’ wings. Sharks that linger near the ocean floor like nurse sharks may even use these fins for lifting.
Gill slits:
Bony fish have one gill opening on each side of their body, but sharks have five to seven gills. Unlike bony fishes, sharks have exposed gill slits on their bodies. Oxygen-rich water flows through the gills allow the Shark to breathe.
Oily Liver:
Bony fishes have bladders filled with air, but Shark has a big liver that could make 25% of their weight. Unlike the liver of bony fish, the Shark’s liver is filled with low-density oil, which helps the Shark stay buoyant.
Dermal Denticles:
This term means a skin tooth just because they look a lot like a sharp tooth. It is a cover on the skin of a shark that helps catch the prey.
Species of Sharks:
Sharks are cartilaginous fish in the class of Elasmobranchii. There are about 400 species of sharks. Here I will discuss a few of them.
Shortfin Mako Shark:
These are some of the faster shark species. These sharks are about 13 feet in length and 1220 pounds in weight. These sharks are easily found in the Atlantic, Pacific, Indian Ocean, and Mediterranean Sea.
Whale Shark:

It is one of the best and largest shark species in the world. These sharks are about 65 feet in length and 75000 pounds in weight. These sharks are found in warm waters in the Pacific, Atlantic, and Indian oceans.
Basking Sharks:
These are the world’s second-largest species of fish. They are about 40 feet in length and 7 tons in weight. They are present all the world but are very common in temperate waters.
Bull Shark:
They have a distinction of being one of the top three species implicated in shark attacks on human beings. These sharks are about 11.5 feet in length and 500 pounds in weight. They are found in warm water near the shores.
Hammerhead Shark:
There are a few types of hammerhead sharks, which are in the family Sphyrnidae. These species incorporate the winghead, mallet head, scalloped hammerhead, scoop head, extraordinary hammerhead, and bonnethead sharks. Their strangely formed heads give them a wide visual reach, which helps their hunting. These sharks possess tropical and warm, calm seas throughout the planet.
Nurse Sharks:
Nurse sharks are night-time animal varieties that like to live on the sea base and frequently look for cover in caverns and holes. They are found in the Atlantic Ocean from Rhode Island to Brazil and off the shoreline of Africa. In the Pacific Ocean, they are found from Mexico to Peru.
Blue Shark:
Blue sharks get their name from their tinge: They have dull blue backs, lighter blue sides, and white undersides. The biggest recorded blue Shark was a little more than 12 feet in length, in spite of the fact that they are reputed to become bigger. This is a thin shark with huge eyes and a little mouth that lives in mild and tropical seas all throughout the planet.
Porbeagle Shark:
Porbeagle sharks are extremely dynamic and have solid bodies, giving them the perseverance to swim broad occasional relocations for taking care of and reproduction. Their animation could likewise be ascribed to their warm-blooded framework, which requires the sharks to keep an internal heat level that is higher than the encompassing water.
Elephant Sharks:

Callorhincus milii, otherwise called elephant fishes, or whitefish, have a genuinely specific reach. Viewed as in the South Pacific, they lean toward the mainland racks of mild waters. They are fundamentally found along the southern shore of Australia, and in the waters encompassing Tasmania and New Zealand. There are a couple of reports of them in the waterways of South Africa and Tasmania and along the southwestern bank of South America.
Angel Shark:
The Angel shark is an unmistakable shark animal type found in the upper east Atlantic and the Mediterranean Sea. It is a “level shark” and a trap hunter, depending on the disguise to astonish its prey. The angel shark range has shrunk by more than 80% in the previous century. Heavenly messenger sharks are entirely powerless to be unintentionally trapped in base fishing gear due to their demersal nature. Fisheries present probably the greatest danger to this species, close by human unsettling influence and living space corruption as they have an inclination for inshore sandy environments.
Now after species of sharks, have you ever heard the shark attack human beings. Yes, sharks do attack human beings. I will discuss it below.
Shark Attacks:
Consistently, around 80 unwarranted assaults are accounted for worldwide. Out of in excess of 489 shark species, just three of them are answerable for a twofold digit number of deadly, unmerited assaults on people: the extraordinary white, tiger, and bull. In 2020 overall all out of 57 affirmed an unwarranted case was lower than the latest five-year (2015-2019) normal of 80 occurrences every year. There were 13 shark-related fatalities this year, 10 of which were affirmed to be unprovoked. The United States encountered the most ridiculous shark chomps in 2020, with 33 affirmed cases. This is 19.5% lower than the 41 episodes that happened in the U.S. in 2019. The 33 cases address 58% of the overall aggregate. This is a reduction from 2019, when 64% of the overall unjustifiable nibbles happened in the U.S.
Teeth of Shark:
There are four types of shark teeth. I will write them below.
- Long and slender teeth: Needle-like teeth help specific sharks hold dangerous fish.
- Plate-like teeth: For sharks that prowl nearer to the seabed, they’ll have thick, plate-like teeth to pound shells of scavengers or mollusks.
- Sharp, serrated teeth: Great whites or tiger sharks need teeth to cut for eating different well-evolved creatures.
- Little, small teeth: Whale sharks have around 3,000 individual teeth, each with regards to the size of a match head. These teeth don’t do a lot, as they will generally swallow their food (krill, microscopic fish, little fish) entirety.
- They also have multiple rows of teeth which are used to replace the older or broken teeth.
- The shape of shark teeth totally depends upon their hunting habits.
The skin of Shark:
Sharkskin is made of a framework of little, hard, tooth-like constructions called dermal denticles or placoid scales. These constructions are formed like bent, furrowed teeth and make the skin an extremely hard protective layer with a surface like sandpaper. They have a similar design as a tooth with an external layer of polish, dentine, and a focal mash cavity. In contrast to the sizes of hard fish (ctenoid scales) that get bigger as the fish develops, placoid scales stay a similar size. As the Shark develops, it simply becomes more placoid scales.
Sharks have extreme toughness and thicker skin. Whale sharks have particularly tough, up to 4 inches (10 cm) thick. The Shark’s skin is unpleasant to the point that contact with it can harm prey. Every one of the spines of the denticles points in reverse (towards the tail), so it would feel somewhat smooth if you moved your hand from head to tail.
Shark eyes:
A shark’s eye has tapetum lucidum, which are reflected precious stones situated behind the retina that assist it with finding in obscurity. Like a feline, it causes it to create the impression that their eyes really gleam in obscurity. On account of the tapetum lucidum, a shark can see multiple times better compared to a human can in the faint light. Unlike humans, sharks’ eyes are practically on totally various sides of their head, giving them a right around 360-degree perspective on their reality. A shark has several significant vulnerable sides, one of which is straightforwardly before its nose and the other right behind its head.
Sense of Smell:
They have a strong sense of smell. Sharks can just see around 50 feet ahead which is the reason their feeling of smell is so developed. Keep in mind, sharks can frequently smell a drop of blood similarly as a quarter far.
Blood vessels of Sharks:
Sharks have a straightforward circulatory framework made from an auricle and a ventricle. Blood streams from the ventricle to the ventral aorta. From that point, blood moves into the branchial conduits and the vessels situated in the gills. As the blood becomes oxygenated, it moves onto the dorsal aorta and proceeds through the remainder of the body through more modest conduits. When blood and supplements have been conveyed to the organs, blood goes into the venous framework and gets back to the heart through the cardinal veins.
Weight of the Shark:

The bodyweight of the sharks varies from type to type. Most weigh between 680 and 1,800 kg (1,500 and 4,000 pounds), but some weighing more than 2,270 kg (about 5,000 pounds).
- Fastest Shark: The Shortfin mako is the fastest Shark in the world with a speed of up to 45 miles per hour.
- Largest Fish: The whale is the largest fish in this world. It is 18 meters in length.
- Shark Vertebrae: Sharks do not have bones and vertebrae. They have cartilage. Cartilage is soft and more flexible than bones. It is strong enough to hold muscles and skin in a place. The backbone and jaws of sharks are made up of calcified cartilage. A shark vertebra has denser cartilage than its outer structure.
It lives in tropical and warm water in the world. It is the smallest Shark with a size up to 50cm.
It is concluded that the Shark is a beautiful and famous marine animal having no bones only muscles, meats, and skin but still a powerful water creature. Shark is the best predator.
Hi I’m Bilal Malik, a digital marketing and blogging expert holding years of experience.