String art looks really complicated, but don’t be fooled! You can create your own string art projects as easily as 1-2-3. In fact, if you know how to use a needle and thread, you can do this project! The best part about string art projects is that you don’t have to follow the patterns that come with your string art kits – you can create your own designs! Here are some easy-to-follow tutorials on how to make your own string art masterpieces.

What Is A String Art?
String art is a type of craft that involves wrapping string or thread around nails or pins to create patterns and images. It’s a relaxing and easy activity that can be enjoyed by people of all ages. Plus, it’s a great way to add some color and personality to your home decor. And you don’t need any special tools – just a pencil, a straight edge, and some scissors!
The best thing about this project is that you can use any paper or cardstock you have on hand. There are so many possibilities – kids will love making their own creations with bright colors while adults might enjoy the more sophisticated black-and-white designs.
If you’re looking for inspiration (or just want to make something), here are six quick and easy string art projects that anyone can do!
Decorative Corners
Start with something simple, like these decorative corners. All you need is a piece of cardstock, some string, and a few thumbtacks. You can use any color string you like, or even mix colors together for a more fun look. To make these corners, simply cut your cardstock into four equal pieces. Make a small hole in each corner, then thread your string through and tie it off. Next, start wrapping the string around the cardstock in any pattern you like.
Once you’re happy with your design, secure the string with thumbtacks around the edge of the paper. That’s it! You’ve now made your very own piece of string art. Display them on an easel, hang them on a wall, or give them as gifts to friends and family members.
Letters and Numbers
String art is a fun and easy way to create colorful works of art. You can use string art to decorate your home or as a gift for someone special. All you need to get started is some string, a few nails, and a little bit of patience. To make this sign, first, tie the end of the string to one nail in each corner of the desired letter or number.
Then tie each free end to a different nail on the other side so that it loops back on itself. Tighten the knots by pulling on them until there is tension on all four strings. Finally, slowly pull out the nails one at a time from the bottom up and keep pulling until all the slack has been removed from all four strings (see illustration). For example, if you are working with the letter ‘B’, first remove the nail in the left-hand corner of ‘B’. Next, remove the right-hand nail. Continue removing nails and retying them until only one nail remains. Now you have created your string art!
Abstract Objects

Cylinder – To create a cylinder, all you need are three dowels (of varying heights) and some yarn in different colors. First, tie one end of the green yarn to the top left dowel (shortest), then take the other end and wrap it around the top right dowel (taller). Repeat with another color: wrap one end around the bottom left dowel (longest) and take the other end to wrap around the bottom right dowel. Finally, tie one end of another color onto the green strand at its base.
When you pull all three strands together, they should form an oval shape; adjust them as needed so they come together neatly without bunching up too much. Then, just wrap the other ends of each color around their respective dowels and secure tightly by tying knots or twisting both ends together.
Another way to create this abstract object is by creating a rectangle out of string instead- just make sure that each row has two long pieces tied on either side to provide balance.
Pencil Holder– The most important thing about this project is having enough string! You’ll want 4 lengths, each between 4-6 feet long depending on how tall your pencils are- if you can’t find anything else at home, go into the garden and cut off lengths from plant stakes! Take your tallest length and loop it around one hand several times before knotting it securely behind your back.
Use the next piece to do the same, making sure not to twist it when looping it around your hand. Keep going until you have four loops around your hands; then repeat the process with shorter lengths of string and try to center everything. After, cross your wrists over each other and pass them through one loop at a time- this may take a few tries but will eventually work. Now use any loose bits of string left over to tie all four loops together behind your back and you’re finished!
3D Animal Sculptures
String art is a fun and easy way to create 3D sculptures of animals. All you need is some string, a few nails, and a little bit of patience. To make the head, simply wrap the string around the nail with both hands and pull tight. To create the neck, place another nail in front of your nail (but at an angle) then wrap around it tightly as well. Repeat this process until you have created a neck for your animal sculpture.
If you want to make your creature even more lifelike, use a marker or pen to draw on details like eyes or ears. Once you are done, just cut off any excess string so that your sculpture is stable. You can also do two-dimensional projects by using shapes instead of strings. Place the shape against a flat surface and trace around it with a pencil before cutting out the shape. Use pieces of string to connect each point together with knots in between each point where there are gaps. The result will be one big piece of string art!
Simple Patterns

One of the great things about string art is that it can be as simple or complex as you want it to be. If you’re just getting started, try one of these easy patterns. You’ll need cardboard (a cereal box works well), a pencil, scissors, and glue.
1) To create a star shape, draw five equal lines radiating from the center point at 120-degree angles and then cut them out with scissors. Glue your first line to a sturdy base so it’s standing up straight and fold each other piece in half on top of each other. Take a bit of glue and put it onto the end of two pieces – stick them together to make the points meet. Keep going until all five pieces are glued together. Once they are all attached, cut off any excess paper.
2) For another project, make an octagon by drawing eight equally spaced horizontal lines on your paper and cutting through both layers where they intersect. Cut out a large circle shape from the middle of your paper and then take small strips from each corner, cutting them at an angle. Fold those strips down over the edge of the circle and use a dot of glue to secure them in place. Make sure not to let any folds overlap because they won’t stick properly.
Continue folding strips around the circle until you’ve created enough rows around it so that when you fold all of them back over themselves, they reach into opposite corners like spokes on a wheel.
3) A diamond pattern is also pretty straightforward. Draw four equal lines radiating from the center point at 90-degree angles and cut those lines apart with scissors or tear along the perforations if you’re using scrapbooking paper as I did here. Starting at the top left, take a strip of paper and wrap it around to the bottom right so that there’s no overlapping with any adjacent colors. Repeat this process three more times, folding each strip backward before attaching it.
4) Want something fancier? Try this design which is based on making concentric circles from different colors of thread. After marking off where you want your outermost ring to go, find the spot halfway between there and the center point and mark out another ring – this time closer to yourself than before. The next ring should be even closer still but offset slightly away from its predecessor and so on until you have seven rings in total.
All of them should have their edges lined up against one another while still leaving some space between every inner layer too. They should look like the sections of an orange peel. As you move inward, you’ll start to see smaller pockets of white space forming among the colored threads. Fill those in with different colored threads to create designs reminiscent of mandalas or stained glass windows.
When finished, tie a knot in the thread at the last intersection before trimming any excess. Using a length of yellow ribbon, bind the entire set of strings together to form a loop. Hang it from the ceiling or a door frame and enjoy.
Combinations of Designs
Whether you’re looking for a fun weekend project or a unique piece of art to hang in your home, string art is a great option. And the best part is, it’s easy to get started, even if you’ve never done it before. If you want to try your hand at string art but don’t know where to start, check out this project below! -The first one starts with a shape and is outlined by just two strings that are taped to the floor. Then all you have to do is wrap colored yarn around the outline until it fills up with color.
Once you have an idea of how many rows you’ll need, cut some lengths of yarn so they’re all about six inches long and keep wrapping until there’s no more room on your outline and then tie off both ends as this guy did with his jagged lines. -Next up, there’s the labyrinth design which starts by drawing a maze on cardboard and taping down four strings that will act as the walls of your labyrinth. Just follow along with the pattern of the maze using different colors until you fill up your space.
For example, here’s a simple white-on-black pattern that has been filled in using only three colors (red, black, and blue). -Last but not least is the crazy quilt design which starts by finding yourself a rectangular-shaped object that can be wrapped completely with paper (like old maps!). Tape it down onto some sheets of paper (try to avoid newspaper) and cover them entirely with any type of fabric scraps that would normally be thrown away.
The hard part comes when you decide what order you want everything to go in because most likely none of them will match very well at all! Try coming up with a random plan ahead of time, or enlisting someone else to help you figure it out. Once you have your layout sketched out, trace it onto another sheet of paper and use pins to hold down the pieces while you work on them separately.
It may take a while to put together, but once you’re finished it should look something like this trippy geometrical design. It might seem difficult at first, but I promise that once you see how cool the finished product looks, you won’t regret trying your hand at string art.
What is needed for string art?
All you need to get started with string art is some colorful embroidery thread, a needle, and a piece of wood or cardboard. You can use a pre-made stencil or freehand your design. If you’re using a wooden board, start by hammering in some nails. Then, simply start wrapping the thread around the nails to create your design. When you’re finished, knot the thread off on the back side of the board and admire your handiwork.
How difficult is string art?
String art is a craft that anyone can pick up and create beautiful designs. The difficulty level will depend on the project you choose to tackle. For example, a simple design with straight lines will be much easier than one with curved lines. That being said, don’t be discouraged if your first attempt isn’t perfect. Just keep practicing and you’ll soon be a string art pro.
What kind of thread do you use for string art?
If you’re new to string art, you might be wondering what kind of thread to use. The good news is that almost any type of thread will work for string art projects. From embroidery floss to yarn to jute twine, there are many options to choose from.
Can you do string art on canvas?
Yes! You can definitely do string art on canvas. In fact, it can be a great way to add a personal touch to your home decor. Plus, it’s a relatively easy project that even beginners can do.
How do you tie off string art?
Tying off string art is actually pretty easy! All you need is a piece of scrap wood, some nails, and some string. First, hammer the nails into the wood in whatever design you want. Then, start wrapping the string around the nails, working your way from the outside in. When you get to the end, simply tie a knot around one of the nails to secure it in place. That’s it!
String art is a fun and easy way to create beautiful art for your home. All you need is some string, a few nails, and a little bit of patience. These string art projects are perfect for beginners. With a little practice, you’ll be creating masterpieces in no time!
If you’re looking for something unique, go with these ideas. Not only will it look great on your wall but it’s also pretty customizable: Try using different colors or even stitching patterns. Just pick out some fabric that catches your eye and starts experimenting.
Also, check out the latest articles “Simple easy paper crafts for kids” and “Tissue paper crafts“
Hi I’m Bilal Malik, a digital marketing and blogging expert holding years of experience.