How to Pick the Perfect Painting Subject

There are a lot of things to consider when painting. One of the most important decisions you’ll make while painting is the subject of your piece because it will dictate what medium you use, what mood your painting will convey, and much more.

Here are some of the factors you’ll want to consider when choosing your painting subject.

Blue paint on the girl
Blue paint on the girl

What Is Your Personal Style?

If you’re not sure what your personal style is, a great place to start is with your favorite colors. You’ll find that there are many different shades of blue, but you may have a favorite that you gravitate towards. Colors play an important role in setting moods and making people feel happy or tired, so they’re worth considering when choosing a painting subject.

If you like bright colors, then flowers might be right up your alley. If earth tones are more appealing to you, try landscapes or still-life paintings of fruits and vegetables. Abstract art is also a style option if it’s something that interests you.

Abstract art can range from colorful and beautiful to simple lines and shapes. Depending on how much detail you want in your painting, this could be the perfect choice for someone who likes their artwork modern or clean.

The process for creating abstract art is just as unique as any other type of artwork–and most artists create their own techniques–so consider how much time and effort you want to put into creating abstract paintings before diving headfirst into this project!

Be creative! The sky (or canvas) really is the limit when it comes to deciding what kind of painting you want to make. Landscapes can show the majesty of mountains, waterfalls, and deserts; portraits capture a person’s likeness in black and white; animals offer plenty of opportunity for animal lovers to work out their artistic side; still, lives allow for experimentation with color, texture, and composition. So now all you need to do is decide which direction you want to go!

What Colors Do You Prefer?

Dark color paint
Dark color paint

Choosing what colors you want your painting to be is an important decision. There are a number of factors that can influence this, such as how much wall space you have or what colors are already in your room.

You might also want the colors of your painting to match other decorating pieces in your home. Maybe you want a cool palette, with blues and greens, or maybe you prefer warmer tones like reds and yellows. Colors can also help set a mood for any space- whether it’s relaxing or energetic.

No matter which colors you choose, make sure they’re compatible with one another and that they work with the other furnishings in the room!

Will It Match Your Home Decor?

When you paint a picture, it’s important that it matches your home decor. If your room is mostly pastel blue and white, then you may want to steer clear of painting something that has a lot of oranges and yellows. You don’t want to put up artwork on your walls only for it to clash with everything else in the room.

There are many different types of painting subjects- from landscapes to flowers- so take some time and consider what type will work best for your home decor before picking out a subject. A great way to make sure that you choose the perfect painting subject is by taking photos of your favorite pieces of art around your house or looking through magazines and paintings at an art gallery.

You’ll be able to get inspiration from what others have done, or just see if there’s any piece that inspires you. Keep in mind things like the size and shape of your wall space as well when considering where you’re going to hang this new addition!

Does the Idea Inspire You?

You might be wondering how to pick the perfect painting subject. In this blog, I’ll talk about some of the different things you should think about before you settle on a painting idea. The first thing you should consider is whether or not your idea inspires you. Ideas are just ideas until they inspire us and get our creative juices flowing.

If it doesn’t make your heart race, then maybe it’s time to move on to another one! It’s also important that your idea is something that can be executed well in a painting. For example, if an abstract piece is what’s inspiring you, but all of your drawings are realistic – don’t be afraid to explore other mediums like collage or mixed media!

Where Will It Be Placed?

Light color paint
Light color paint

You should think about where you’ll be placing your painting before picking a subject. If you’re not sure, ask yourself: What is the general theme of your home or office? Is it a modern, rustic, French country? A painting of vegetables might look out of place in a formal living room but would be perfect in an eat-in kitchen.

There are also lots of online resources that will help you figure out what colors and styles would work best for your space. Some sources like Living In are full of design tips and suggestions for homeowners, while Apartment Therapy has tons of advice on how to decorate various rooms based on their style (e.g., Japanese).

What Type of Wall Color?: The paint color on your walls can dramatically change the way a painting looks when you hang it up. We suggest using Sherwin Williams’ Visualizer tool, which takes into account things like lighting conditions and color hues in order to produce the best possible idea for your room’s decor.

For example, if you type French Country into the search bar and select Paint Colors, then click See More, you’ll get a list of choices with corresponding photos that accurately represent what they would look like on your walls. Once you’ve selected your favorite hue(s), just scroll down to the bottom of the page and plug in the dimensions of your room so they can recommend different paint color shades!

How Much Time Can You Dedicate To Creating it?

What type of paint do you want to create? Is this for your personal enjoyment or are you trying to sell it? How much time can you dedicate each week? These are all questions that you will need answers to before picking a painting subject. If it is for your personal enjoyment, don’t feel like you have to pick something difficult or elaborate.

Just pick something that sparks your interest and try your hand at it! You may surprise yourself with what comes out of it. If this is for a sale, then there are a few things that should be considered. The subject matter needs to be one that people would find interesting, and the size should be appropriate for hanging up in someone’s home or office.

Lastly, consider if this is going to be an acrylic painting, oil painting, watercolor painting, etc. That choice will determine the type of paint and medium needed as well as how long it will take to dry. Acrylic paints tend to dry faster than oils and oils last longer than watercolors.

Consider where the painting will hang when deciding on the right medium. Acrylic paintings can typically be cleaned more easily and they require less prep work before starting than oils which require hours of cleaning beforehand (this is because they produce more fumes).

Picking a painting topic or theme is not always easy but by asking yourself these three questions you might find something that suits your needs perfectly!


Pick your subject carefully. Know what you want to paint and how it should look before painting it. If you’re not sure, do some research or find an image that inspires you and use that as a reference. If you have trouble making a decision, start with something simple and work your way up from there.

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