Swedish ivy (Plectranthus australis) is an evergreen flowering vine that grows in the tropics and subtropics, including warm areas of both the United States and Australia, making it an ideal plant to grow indoors. Swedish ivy can be grown as an indoor plant or outdoors during warmer months, although its use as an indoor plant makes it perfect for beginning gardeners and those new to growing plants. This vine thrives with minimal care and attention, making it one of the easiest houseplants to maintain.

Where to Start?
- Purchase a healthy plant at your local garden center or home improvement store.
- Prepare a pot of soil with good drainage and place the plant in the pot.
- Fill the pot halfway with dirt and water it until it is moist (but not saturated).
- Place the plant in a sunny location that doesn’t get too hot or too cold so that it can grow evenly, but make sure to keep the soil moist at all times!
- Keep an eye on your ivy’s needs throughout its growth and enjoy your new plants!
- If you’re feeling ambitious, you can propagate more plants from cuttings by placing them in a glass of water for about two weeks before planting them in pots! With these five easy tips, you’ll be able to grow beautiful Swedish Ivy plants in no time.
How To Care For?

Swedish ivy is a beautiful plant and can be grown as an indoor or outdoor vine. Careful planning and proper maintenance are important to this succulent. The following are a few tips on how to care for your Swedish ivy:
1) Ensure your Swedish ivy has plenty of sunlight. If it is indoors, situates it near a window so that it can get natural light; if outdoors, find the sunniest area possible (but make sure there is also some shade). The ivy needs about six hours of sunlight per day.
2) Keep the soil moist, but not soaking wet. Check the soil every other day or so to see if you need to water your plant again. You can water it with the same frequency that you do most house plants – about once every two weeks during warm weather and once a week during cold weather. For example, if you live in New York City where temperatures are below 60 degrees Fahrenheit, then your Swedish ivy should be watered once per week.
3) Repot annually in late winter or early spring. Use a commercial potting mix with sand added to improve drainage. Avoid using heavy potting mix because the roots will rot over time. Place container in full sun (or partial shade), with clear bottom drainage holes allowing excess water to drain out of the pot without spilling out onto the floor.
When watering, pour slowly into the saucer under the pot to avoid damaging sensitive root systems. Be careful not to overwater by misting or keeping the soil too wet, which can lead to root rot and leaf drop from damage caused by a fungal infection. Swedish ivy care seems simple enough, doesn’t it? With these five easy tips, you’ll be well on your way to having a happy and healthy ivy!
Temperature and Sunlight Requirements
Swedish ivy is a tough and versatile plant that can handle many different environments. However, it does have some specific requirements. For example, it thrives in moist soil and requires a moderate amount of sunlight. The more light it gets, the greener and more compact its leaves will be. This plant is also salt tolerant and can survive in both wet and dry conditions.
If you notice your Swedish ivy wilting in direct sun or heat, try moving it to an area with less exposure to these elements. A shady spot on the ground level might work best. Try putting it outside during the morning hours and then bring it back inside during the afternoon hours. You could also place your Swedish ivy near a sunny window so that it gets enough indirect light.
It should eventually start thriving again as long as you continue to care for it properly. Remember that if you see any signs of leaf drop or stunted growth, you may need to change up what time of day or location your plant is being exposed to!

Watering your ivy is key to keeping it healthy and looking its best. In most cases, you’ll want to water the plant every day or two, but if you’re growing in a container, this might not be possible. The soil will dry out faster in containers than in a garden bed, so you may need to water more often. If your ivy starts to wilt or curl up at the edges, then it’s time to water again.
You can test the soil by inserting your finger about an inch into the dirt; if it feels moist all the way down, then there’s no need to water. Don’t let your ivy stay in standing water, though—waterlogged plants can grow bacteria that cause rot. Feeding: Fertilize your ivy monthly with a well-balanced fertilizer mixed with watering once per week. For indoor plants, fertilize twice per year during the spring and fall months.
It’s important to keep your ivy trimmed so that it doesn’t overpower the tree or shrub it’s growing on. Use sharp, heavy-duty shears to cut back the ivy and carefully remove any dead leaves from the plant. When trimming, make sure you get rid of any dead or diseased leaves or branches. Cut back on the growth about an inch each year and you’ll be rewarded with a full, lush ivy plant in no time! You should also remove any dead leaves and thorns at this time.
Water: One mistake many people make when watering their ivy is watering too often. You don’t want the roots to rot by staying wet too long, nor do you want the water to seep up into the soil and hurt other plants. Generally speaking, once a week should be enough if you have soil that drains well; if not, then maybe every two weeks will work better for you.
Swedish ivy is not a difficult plant to grow, but there are some things you can do to increase your chances of success. You’ll want to start with selecting the right location and potting your plant in the spring. Then, water your plant regularly, fertilize once a month during the growing season and prune it during the winter. With these 5 tips and a little time, you will be able to have a lush and healthy Swedish ivy as part of your home decor!
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Hi I’m Bilal Malik, a digital marketing and blogging expert holding years of experience.