Why grow the strawberry begonia plant? Because it is a distinctive and beautiful addition to your plant collection. The strawberry begonia plant grows outdoors in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 8 through 10 and requires minimal care, making it one of the easiest houseplants around.
Below are some tips on how to take care of this attractive houseplant that can produce flowers year-round depending on the variety you select.

Step 1: Soil Preparation
The first step is to prepare a potting mix of one part commercial potting soil and one part sand, then moisten it. Next, remove all of the plant material from the strawberry begonia that you bought and remove any dead or diseased foliage.
Now it is time to break up any large clumps of potting mix with your hands and water it again to make sure that the soil is damp but not wet. If there are any pests on or around your begonia, now is also a good time to do a little spot treatment using an insecticidal soap or horticultural oil spray.
Finally, give your new plant a nice drink of water before planting it in its new home. Put a pot filled with dampened soil next to the plant so you can easily slide it out of the pot. Take care to support the roots as you remove them from the plastic container and place them in their new environment.
Gently fill in around them so they will be completely surrounded by moistened soil, tamping down gently as you go. Once this process is complete, water generously until runoff stops coming out of your drainage hole at the bottom of your container
Step 2: Preparing the Seeds
Soak seeds overnight in water to break down the hard shell. Sow seeds on a lightly moistened potting soil surface and cover them with a thin layer of soil. Keep in mind that strawberry begonia likes full sun and will die if it doesn’t get enough light. As a general rule, it is better to plant strawberry begonias outdoors where they can receive all-day sunlight rather than keeping them indoors under artificial light sources.
If you are planting your strawberry begonia plants indoors, be sure to place them near an east or west-facing window where they’ll receive plenty of natural light. If you live in an area that gets cold winters, be sure to protect your plants from frost damage by covering your pots with a waterproof material such as an old plastic wrap or garden fleece before temperatures drop below freezing.
Step 3: Growing in Containers

The best way to grow your strawberry begonia plant is in containers. Containers can provide a lot of benefits, such as more control over watering and fertilizing (especially if you use self-watering containers), protection from extreme weather, and better access to both light and soil nutrients. To get started growing your strawberry begonia plant in containers, find a container that is at least 8 inches deep and has drainage holes.
Fill the container with potting mix or garden soil that has been amended with compost for extra nutrients. Place your strawberry begonia plant in the container so it is about 1 inch below the rim of the container to ensure that there is enough room for water to drain out of the bottom without getting everything wet.
Fill the rest of the container with potting mix or garden soil up to about an inch below the top of the root ball. Cover this final layer with mulch, like straw or hay, to help maintain moisture levels and keep down weeds while your strawberry begonia plant starts to grow.
Step 4: Growing on Ground

Once your plants are established, you can start to grow them in the ground. In order to do this, you’ll want to plant them in a well-draining area of your garden with plenty of suns. The soil should be rich and moist but not wet. Make sure that there is plenty of room for the plant to grow. Although strawberry begonia plants will thrive in many different types of soil, it is best to work with a well-draining potting mix that doesn’t have too much peat moss or fertilizer.
For example, use a 50/50 mixture of screened loam and organic compost such as topsoil mixed with one part composted pine bark mulch. Place your plants in pots approximately 6 inches deep with drainage holes punched through the bottom if they’re growing indoors, or at least 3 inches deep if they’re growing outdoors.
When planting in the ground make sure you give enough space between each plant so they don’t crowd each other out; space them 4 feet apart when planting 1-2 feet from the edge of a building and 8 feet apart when planting near trees. Leave about 2-3 feet of space between rows. The amount of water needed depends on how much rain the region receives.
If you live in an area where it rains often, then water weekly during dry periods while giving them less frequent watering during humid times or rainy seasons. Check the soil moisture daily with your finger or a plastic knife to see how wet it is before adding more water. Adding mulch around plants helps maintain moisture levels in the soil, as does planting vines like morning glory around their roots (especially when planted under large trees).
As long as the soil drains well, you can plant strawberry begonia close to other plants without fear of competition for nutrients. Choose a location that has full sun exposure, some protection from wind and heat, and good air circulation. Avoid locations near high-traffic areas or potential sources of contamination like animal droppings or chemical spills.
After planting, wait until all danger of frost has passed before adding mulch to keep the soil cool and retain moisture. The typical mature size for these plants ranges anywhere from 12-24 inches tall depending on how fast they grow; plan accordingly if you need something taller than 24 inches!
Step 5: Fertilization and Watering
Fertilization is important for all plants, and this is particularly true for begonias. Fertilizing with a water-soluble fertilizer, such as Miracle-Gro Water Soluble All Purpose Plant Food, will provide them with all of the nutrients they need to grow and thrive. Make sure to fertilize at least every other week when your plant is actively growing.
This will help your plants stay healthy and lush! If you’re having trouble with your strawberry begonia plant not growing, try fertilizing it more often. If you’re finding that it still isn’t flourishing, try repotting it into a larger pot or mixing in some compost before replanting. Begonias love moist soil so don’t forget to keep the soil damp but not soggy!
Strawberry begonias are beautiful plants, but they can be tricky to grow. They need to be in a pot that has at least two inches of soil and needs to be watered frequently or else they will shrivel up and die. Keep in mind that it can take a while for them to flower-they need to reach maturity before they bloom! Follow these steps and you’ll soon have your very own strawberry begonia plant.
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Hi I’m Bilal Malik, a digital marketing and blogging expert holding years of experience.