If the tomato is a fruit, is ketchup a smoothie? Or perhaps not. In the culinary arts community, this debate has been going on for quite some time and has produced some interesting arguments (and food fights) between those who believe that tomatoes are fruits and those who do not. If you’re curious about whether or not tomatoes are fruits, read on to learn more about the facts of the matter and decide whether or not you agree with this argument yourself!

Is ketchup a smoothie?
That depends on how you define smoothie. According to Merriam-Webster, a smoothie is 1: a beverage made by blending crushed ice and fruit juice with fruit or other ingredients 2: blended iced drinks of flavored liquids, sugar, and crushed ice cubes. This definition allows for ketchup to be included. The key here is blended so if we were to include any tomato product that didn’t blend into a drink it wouldn’t be considered a ketchup smoothie.
Why Tomato Ketchup Isn’t a Smoothie
In order to be considered a smoothie, it must be 100% fruit with no added ingredients. Tomatoes are technically fruits, but ketchup is made from tomatoes that have been cooked. Since vegetables do not belong in smoothies and ketchup is comprised of cooked tomatoes, tomato ketchup does not belong in your blender.
So no matter how much sugar you add or how many berries you mix into your favorite brand of ketchup, it will never become more than what it was meant to be: salty tomato sauce without all of the calories. The good news is that while ketchup may never become officially classified as a smoothie there are several alternatives out there for people who prefer to eat their salsa cold.
If you want to enjoy ketchup straight from your refrigerator there’s always regular ice cream or pop tart filling (just make sure it’s strawberry-flavored—not grape). And if those options don’t do it for you, consider eating nachos on a very hot day (or if nothing else just consider drinking some Gatorade.
Basic Ingredients Of Ketchup Vs. Smoothies:

Both ketchup and smoothies are made up of similar ingredients—fruit, vegetables, and water. In fact, with 25% fruit content, Basic ketchup ingredients are about half as healthy as your average tomato smoothie. Who would have thought that out of these two similar products—ketchup and tomato-based smoothies—the one involving tomatoes would be more nutritious than its counterpart?
And yes, tomato does in fact count as a fruit; it’s part of the berry family (alongside everything from cucumbers to eggplants to gooseberries). The remaining 75% of both ketchup common ingredient and smoothie ingredient consists primarily of high fructose corn syrup, sodium benzoate (used for preservation), and food coloring. It’s interesting how essentially natural foods like tomatoes can wind up being disguised so easily by other preservatives.
This makes us question where exactly our food is coming from, why they make them the way they do, and what we really know about those additives listed on our favorite brand labels.
But unlike most fruits and vegetables, ketchup cannot legally claim to be healthy because there is too much sugar (20 grams per bottle of ketchup can) in every serving size.
What is ketchup anyway?
Ketchup is actually more of a tomato smoothie than anything else. It’s typically made from tomatoes and other ingredients such as white vinegar and sugar. The sweetness in ketchup comes from added sugar. In order to make real ketchup, tomatoes are ground up into what is called tomato paste. This form of paste is then put through another process that removes most of its water content until it is thick and very sweet in taste.
For those who have been looking for healthier options in their condiments, or those who have avoided simple ketchup altogether due to sugar concern for ketchup, there are now several ketchup brands of organic spicy ketchup on store shelves. These products use natural sugars rather than high fructose corn syrup and do not contain any corn syrup at all.
When shopping for these organic options look for ingredients that include sun-dried tomatoes or vine-ripened fresh ones as well as sea salt rather than processed white salt which tends to be high in sodium content. Other ingredient in ketchup found in some great-tasting organic varieties include apple cider vinegar, the amounts of vinegar onion powder, lemon juice concentrate, raisins, and molasses.
Now consumers can once again enjoy sauces with all their favorite foods without worrying about extra calories or overindulging when they take more than just a few bites because they thought they were eating something healthy food.
Why it’s confusing?
Some fruits are actually considered vegetables. Tomatoes are fruit, and details about ketchup is made from tomatoes, so according to that logic—wouldn’t ketchup be classified as a vegetable? It turns out that there’s no need for such categorization; both tomato and tomato ketchup would continue to be correctly labeled fruit or vegetable since they’re still considered one or the other respectively.
A tomato is still a tomato, even if it’s used to make condiments like salsa or ketchup; these sauces wouldn’t be mistakenly considered vegetables even though they’re made with actual tomatoes. In fact, in most cases, you can use either term of classification (fruit or vegetable) interchangeably when referring to something derived from a plant. If you want more information on how plants are classified according to food science, check out what Wikipedia has to say here.
Let’s Look at Definitions:
The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines fresh fruits as the usually edible reproductive body of a seed plant. They do not offer an explicit definition for vegetable, but they do mention it is often defined as part of a plant other than its roots, flowers, or seeds.
Thus, by these standards, tomato is considered both fresh fruits and vegetables. There is different flavor of ketchup are available in the market. The ketchup recipe is also easy and homemade you can make it easily homemade ketchup. The confusion arises when we look at whether ketchup is considered fresh fruits or vegetables. We cannot find any definitions that definitively label ketchup as one over another.
History and Popularity of Ketchup in North America:

Many people think ketchup is simply tomato sauce. It’s not. In fact, ketchup was originally made of mushrooms and fish, not tomatoes! Tomatoes only became popular in Europe during Columbus’ second voyage to America in 1493; therefore it is assumed that ketchup was an early form of tomato paste for which tomatoes were new to Europeans.
However, ketchup isn’t even solely based on tomatoes—some other ingredients were included as well (most notably anchovies) in order to cover up any odd tastes and enhance preservation (which doesn’t actually work, by the way). The word ketchup comes from the Malay word ketchup meaning fish sauce. The ketchup history of catsup later evolved into what we know today: A thick brown sauce made primarily from raw tomatoes with added seasonings and preservatives.
During colonial times, ketchup was considered a condiment similar to pickles or mustard; it wasn’t until later when Americans began putting them on french fries that ketchup became more commonly used as a condiment for anything and everything you could imagine.
Today, ketchup can be found at almost every restaurant and store across North America; however, there has been some controversy regarding whether or not ketchup should be called ketchup since there are so many variations across brands with different uses and recipes. Despite these differences between brands of ketchup sold, it remains a favorite side dish for just about anyone!
Health Benefits of Tomatoes:

Tomatoes are rich in lycopene, which is an antioxidant that provides protection against certain types of cancer. Traces of Lycopene may also reduce the risk for coronary heart disease and stroke. Other health benefits of tomatoes include improved cardiovascular function (i.e., better blood flow), improved liver function, and even better immune system health.
Additionally, tomatoes contain vitamin C and other vitamins (B1 and B6) as well as minerals (calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, and iron). It’s hard to think of any food that is more nutrient-dense than tomatoes. Plus, they taste good! What’s not to love about tomatoes?
Are there any smoothies that contain ketchup? NOPE! Think about it: The ingredients in ketchup are totally different from those found in most fruit-flavored smoothies. When you drink your favorite fruit-flavored smoothie, you don’t notice any tomato particles floating around inside—and even if there were tomatoes present in your smoothie (which there aren’t), you wouldn’t actually taste them.
So no, tomato-based items do not belong inside fruity drinks. With all of these reasons combined, we can definitively conclude one thing: Tomato is not a fruit—so ketchup is not really a tomato smoothie. It’s probably an awful idea to try drinking it as such anyway—it might stain your teeth and cause indigestion.
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Hi I’m Bilal Malik, a digital marketing and blogging expert holding years of experience.