The golden trumpet tree, or Tabebuia avellanedae, is one of the most stunning flowering trees you can grow at home. It’s a deciduous tree with shimmering golden yellow foliage that really pops during the winter and early spring months when leaves on other trees have yet to appear. If you’re ready to bring some color into your yard, here’s what you need to know about growing the golden trumpet tree yourself.

What is a Golden Trumpet Tree?
A golden trumpet tree is a medium-sized, slow-growing tree. The leaves are a glossy, dark green and the flowers are yellow trumpets that turn into a fruit about the size of an orange. This evergreen tree can grow up to 20 feet tall and 15 feet wide. They need full sun and well-drained soil but will thrive in nearly any climate as long as it gets ample water. Golden trumpet trees have shallow roots that often require staking or some type of mulch for support; this keeps them from breaking when they blow over in heavy winds because their shallow root system has no deep anchoring below ground.
The golden trumpet tree is a North American native. The best time of year to plant the golden trumpet tree seedling is anytime except during the cold winter months, but it can be planted any time of year if you live in a warmer climate or if it’s given plenty of water and care until the ground freezes again. Plant your seedling in rich, moist soil and add mulch around the root zone to retain moisture and protect from frost. Wait for new growth in the spring before watering again, but don’t wait too long because this can cause root rot.
Prune off dead branches in the winter and protect the roots from damage by mowing overgrown areas that are close to fences or hard surfaces. Golden trumpet trees prefer well-drained, loamy soils with ample organic matter and they need lots of suns to grow so they should be planted in full sun on the south side of your house where they will get adequate sunlight all day. They thrive when watered regularly so a once-a-week watering schedule is recommended.
Where does it grow?
The Golden Trumpet tree is a tropical ornamental and can be found growing in the wild in Brazil. It’s often seen on other continents because it is so easy to grow and needs little care, making it a popular addition to gardens. There are two types of Golden Trumpets – yellow trumpet and golden trumpet. The leaves are green when they are younger, becoming dark green with tinges of red as they mature.
Yellow trumpets have flowers that emit a strong scent, while golden trumpets produce little odor. Because both produce fewer odors than others like the jacaranda or mahogany trees, these trees are ideal for urban spaces where you don’t want your neighbors smelling what you’re cooking (or whatever else you’re up to). They do well in most climates but thrive best in warmer weather. If you live in an area that gets frosty winters, make sure you bring your plant indoors before temperatures drop below 45 degrees Fahrenheit (7 degrees Celsius) for more than 2 hours per day.
The Fruit

Learn how to plant a golden trumpet tree in your garden and the benefits of this plant. Golden trumpet trees are beautiful, but they also provide numerous benefits. Many people want these trees because they not only look pretty, but can also be used as an insect repellent, air purifier, or sound filter. These plants produce vibrant flowers which are followed by their fruit pods that will eventually turn into edible tubers with a slightly sweet flavor that can be eaten raw or cooked.
Flowering and Fruiting Habit
The Golden Trumpet tree is an exotic tropical evergreen tree that is ideal for smaller gardens. It has an upright and spreading habit, which means it can be grown in a pot or as a hedge on a small piece of property. The leaves are glossy green with heart-shaped teeth and often turn shades of red, gold, or yellow. During springtime, clusters of small white flowers grow from the tree’s branches followed by long seed pods.
Since it requires moisture throughout the day in order to grow lushly, trees should be watered twice daily until they mature. One way to ensure that your tree doesn’t overwater is by placing it near a source of natural sunlight so that the leaves dry out faster. Watering may only need to occur once every three days after maturity but never let your plant go without water for more than two weeks! When watering, make sure not to overwater your plant as this will cause root rot and will lead to death.
Grow Your Own Golden Trumpet Tree
These trees are easy enough for beginner gardeners to grow. Here’s how you can plant your own golden trumpet tree! You should choose a site where it’ll get at least six hours of sun per day. Dig up the area where you’re going to plant your tree and make sure there’s plenty of space between it and other objects. When planting, be sure to leave about two feet on either side so there is room for growth. Planting depth should be about two feet deep so the root ball is buried underground level.
Once planted water thoroughly before covering with mulch and keep watering every few days during dry periods until established. The best time to harvest your tree is when all the leaves have fallen off after a hard frost. Remove any remaining leaves and dig around your tree to expose its base. Cut off any aerial roots if necessary and cut through the base of the trunk just below the crown, then peel away from the tree using downward strokes to pull back pieces of bark from each strip removed.
Peel until you reach live wood underneath; repeat the process until the whole trunk has been peeled cleanly away from both sides without separating bark from the wood below it. Now sever the trunk above the last piece of bark being peeled and discard any loose bark still attached to the tree. Gently pry apart strands of sinewy flesh holding meaty root clusters together; then gently break them apart while pulling them out of their moorings so they don’t tangle in the dirt.
Keep roots cool (but don’t store them in a refrigerator) and out of direct sunlight until ready to use them (should be within one week). To preserve, wash them well with cold water and wrap them tightly in a damp newspaper. Store in the vegetable crisper drawer of your fridge.
Uses of the Tree

There are many uses for the Golden Trumpet Tree and you can use it to add beauty or privacy to your property. To get started, you’ll need a well-drained location that gets lots of suns. In most places, the plant prefers dry soils and doesn’t like excessive amounts of water. You can find out the specific needs of your particular tree by checking the tags on it or by contacting your nursery. Once you know what it likes and dislikes, give it just enough water so that it stays happy with good color year round.
When planting, put some mulch around the base of the tree to help keep moisture in. It’s best not to feed too much during the summer months because there’s not as much foliage to soak up nutrients. During the winter months, fertilize the tree every two weeks from November through March with a high-nitrogen fertilizer. If you’re ever concerned about pests, diseases, or other issues that might affect your golden trumpet tree, contact an arborist who can recommend treatment options.
You can buy Golden Trumpet Trees in nurseries, but growing your own is easy and a lot cheaper. To start your own tree from seedlings, you need a clay pot that has drainage holes or a glass jar that allows light to penetrate through. Fill the pot with well-drained potting soil. Planting seedlings is just as easy. Put the seedling’s root ball in the center of the pot or jar and cover it with enough soil for 1/2 inch of plant growth over the next 2 months.
Water regularly. Place plants in indirect sunlight for 6 hours a day when they are young and move them indoors when frost threatens later on in wintertime. Golden trumpet trees like the full sun when they get older and require protection during cold weather months. Prune branches back to their trunks in early spring so they grow bushy.
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Hi I’m Bilal Malik, a digital marketing and blogging expert holding years of experience.