In this blog, I’ll discuss if we eat 500 calories a day for a whole month then what are the aspects, and basically what are these calories?

Things to Know About 500-Calorie Diet:
A 500-calorie diet is an extreme form of a very low-calorie diet.
It requires you to drastically reduce the amount of food you eat, usually to a maximum of 800 calories per day.
Very low calorie diets use meal replacements like drinks shakes, and prepared food bars instead of meals for at least two meals a day.
VLCDs are meant for people who are very overweight and have been unable to lose weight after trying many diet plans.
This diet can be dangerous and requires medical supervision. Read on to learn more about the risks and goals of the 500-calorie diet.
Don’t do it alone:
A doctor will prescribe a 500-calorie diet if he or she has decided that it’s critical for you to lose weight.
They do this by weighing your general health concerns against the risks and potential complications of drastic calorie reduction.
If your doctor hasn’t recommended a 500-calorie diet, you should not try this diet. A diet like this has risks and precautions associated with it. A doctor should supervise you while on this diet.
How much are 500 calories:
You can get an idea of how much (or how little) 500 calories is when you consider the calorie count of popular foods.
The USDA calculates that two handfuls of peanuts or a slice of pepperoni pizza contain about 250 calories.
An apple contains fewer than 80 calories, while two pieces of fried chicken contain about 400 calories.
You might also want to consider how many calories you burn in a day.
According to the Harvard Medical School, a 185-pound person burns 72 calories by just sitting in a one-hour meeting.
You still need nutrition:
One of the problems with a 500-calorie diet is that it places no limits on the fats and carbohydrates you consume.
A serving of chocolate pound cake and a glass of milk adds up to about 500 calories. However, that so-called meal doesn’t even come close to giving you the nutrients you need, even if you’re just sitting in a meeting.
Regardless of calorie count, a well-rounded diet includes fruits and vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains. Being healthy is about a lot more than just a number.

Danger of deficiencies:
The greatest dangers associated with a 500-calorie diet relate to vitamin and mineral deficiencies. Vitamin and mineral deficiencies can lead to many health problems.
In fact, most people cannot meet their vitamin and mineral requirements if they eat less than 1200 calories per day.
For example, according to the Mayo Clinic, if your diet lacks the mineral zinc, which is in pumpkin seeds and beef, you can suffer hair loss.
Low iron intake can lead to anemia, while chronic low intake of calcium and vitamin D can lead to osteoporosis later in life.
If you don’t get enough of the vitamin niacin, found in tuna and dates, you could be at risk for heart attack due to clogged arteries.
Always consider the full nutritional makeup of the foods you eat, not just their calories.
Muscle loss:
A 500-calorie diet can also put you in danger of muscle loss. Sharon Palmer, R.D., dietitian and author of “Plant-Powered for Life,”
Points out, “Once your body has consumed your fat reserves, it begins to burn healthy muscle.
At first, muscle loss may seem like you are losing more body weight, but keep in mind that not all weight is bad.
To keep your body healthy, you need to be able to build muscles. A healthy diet burns body fat, not muscle.

Metabolic changes:
Another health risk to keep in mind when considering a 500-calorie diet is that your metabolism will change when you reduce the number of calories you eat for a long enough period of time.
Severe calorie restriction for prolonged periods of time will lead to a slower metabolism.
This can lead you to burn fewer calories. Also, when you lose weight, you then need fewer calories to maintain your new weight than you needed for your original weight.
The takeaway:
You should only conduct a 500-calorie diet under a doctor’s close supervision.
Though you may lose weight, you are at risk of malnutrition, which can cause many health problems.
Healthy weight loss includes getting a variety of nutrients from varied food sources, limiting food portions, and burning more calories than you eat.
Stick to that approach to get the pounds off and keep them off.

The 5:2 diet plan:
Some people use a 500-calorie diet as part of the recently popularized 5:2 intermittent diet plan.
Under this plan, you eat a balanced Mediterranean-style diet of about 2000 calories for five days of the week and then limit yourself to 500 low-carbohydrate calories per day for the other two days.
The two “fasting” days are usually nonconsecutive. There is very little evidence to support the benefits of 5:2 intermittent dieting over daily calorie reduction. So here are some steps of 5:2 diet plan.
Tap your foot:
Your bony friends are normally twitch, they burn more than 300 calories a day by just tapping their feet or being restless.
So try to walk around while using your mobile and you see the difference in few days that without doing any diet you drop 10 to 15 pounds in few time and have extra energy in your body.
Step away from the nuts:
Nuts have heart-healthy fats, but they’re also high in calories, 1 handful (about 1 ounce) of oil-roasted mixed nuts has 175 calories; 3 handfuls have 525.
Cut out nuts altogether and save more than 500 calories. If you can’t resist then eat pistachios because it’s 2 handfuls are just 159 calories.
Don’t eat Infront of the TV:
According to the research of Massachusetts University if you eat in front of the tv you’ll eat up to 288 calories more than normal so eat at the table instead of it and use on our of tv for a casual walk, it will burn 527 calories accumulatively.
Use smaller plates:
If you eat on a 12 inches plate immediately swap it with a 10 inches plate, it will affect in form of 20 to 25% less food and save up to 500 calories.
Skip the whip:
Dessert-like coffee creations can contain as many as 670 calories, with large sizes and options like whipped cream, whole milk, and syrups.
You should skip the desserts or at least you should size it down.
Get enough sleep:
A lack of shut-eye can make you gaze, new research from the University of Chicago shows. People who got only 5 1/2 hours of sleep to eating more during the day.
Sleep more and save about 1,087 calories.
Healthy meal plans:
Now it’s time for meal replacement. Get a delicious meal plan each week based on your weight loss goal and the foods you like to eat.
With the Cooking low-carb diet, you’ll enjoy restaurant-quality meals and a handy planning tool with access to thousands of recipes.
Try to cook your food with a little stock instead of oil, or order steamed or poached entrees you’ll save 124 calories per tablespoon of oil.
Also, have the kitchen skip oils added at the last minute like basil oil or chive oil, and save another 40 calories per teaspoon.
Junk foods:
Junk food contains a lot of calories so avoid eating junk daily, eat healthy food and lose some pounds in few weeks.
Above I’ve described what 500 calories is? How can we start a 500-calorie diet plan? It’s all about our daily routine life.
That how we can do daily calorie intake easily, We have to take a proper low-calorie daily diet in our breakfasts, lunch, and dinners.
We’ve to leave energy drinks, junk foods instead of these we should have a good diet plan which contains a balanced diet (low-calorie food, fresh fruits, and sugar-free drink)and we’ll lose some pounds per week and get healthy life.
Hi I’m Bilal Malik, a digital marketing and blogging expert holding years of experience.