Some zodiac signs can be creepily accurate about who we are as people, depicting some of our personality traits down to a tee. So, speaking of astrology and zodiac signs and how accurate they can (or cannot) be, have you ever wondered what the most dangerous zodiac signs are?

If you’re an Aquarius, you may be a little bit relieved to hear this. Aquarius’s the least dangerous zodiac sign of all the zodiac signs. If you’re an Aquarius, you are probably very independent, fun to be around, and love helping people.
Aquarius is also known to run from their emotions, and can sometimes also be very aloof, shy, and quiet. They also tend to use their mind whenever they can because they are air signs. As thinkers and humanists, it’s really no wonder that they are the least dangerous zodiac sign on the list!
This strong, creative, passionate, and often stubborn sign is the next least dangerous sign on the list. Leos are notorious for being self-centered. They also love expensive, extravagant things. As a fire sign, they hate being ignored and not being treated like the queen or the king they think they are.
Because Leos are sometimes seen as lazy and like things done for them and handed to them, it makes sense that they aren’t really considered dangerous. Seems like they would probably want someone else to do the dirty work for them so that their reputation stays intact! Want to know who some of the world’s most notorious serial killers are and what their signs are?
Libras are known to be charming and lovable, while at the same time they tend to be indecisive, vain, and sometimes delusional. Because they are so lovable and sincere, it’s hard to picture this sign as dangerous at all, which is why they are so high up on the list. They are dedicated to commitment, partnership, and fairness, and hate when things get out of balance.
Virgos are known to be more sneaky than most of the other zodiac signs, so they are more likely to commit small crimes. As witty and practical individuals, they are more prone to less dangerous antics.
Virgos are also known to be uptight, critical, and sometimes even preachy, while at the same time very hard working, resourceful and dedicated. They hate lazy people and work very hard to achieve their goals. This would probably explain why they aren’t very
Dangerous – they don’t want to ever put their hard-earned work at risk.

Pisces are known to be a little bit self-destructive and out of touch with reality.
For this reason, they can sometimes be prone to impulsive and destructive decisions which can turn dangerous. They aren’t all dangerous, though! Pisces are helpful, comforting,
and romantic people. They are poetic and dreamy and have an air of mystery about them.
Capricorns are seen as average criminals. They are right in the middle and tend to have high respect for rules. They hate when people make careless mistakes, so when they are committing crimes they are very efficient and sneaky. They do though, tend to be pessimistic, cold, and unforgiving – which can lead to some pretty sticky and messy situations if they are provoked.
You might be surprised that Scorpios aren’t closer to the number one spot on this list – believe me. They tend to be sadistic and jealous, and if they are triggered or provoked, a dark and evil side can come out of them.
This aggressive and often manipulative sign does have some good traits though. Scorpios are passionate, loyal, protective, and brave. They are very intense. Are you just as surprised as we are that Scorpios aren’t the number one most dangerous sign on this list? Sorry, Scorpios, but it’s the truth!
Rams can be stubborn but are natural leaders. Because they are so energetic and bold, they can be unstoppable in their actions. They are often seen as reckless, impulsive, and proud, which can get them into some trouble.
Because they like being the leader of the pack and are very bold, Their ego may cause them to do dangerous and criminal things. Aries enjoy expressing themselves through physical and verbal activities, which may be part of the reason why they are one of the more dangerous signs on the list.
Taurus can be stubborn and overindulgent. Ruled by the bull, this zodiac sign has the tendency to become hyper and ready to charge. If they are provoked, they may become abnormally angry, which would explain why they are one of the more dangerous signs on the list.
The bull is known to be raging and very temperamental. A Taurus is prone to getting into fights often, which can make them pretty dangerous and worrisome to be around. And finally, the moment you’ve been waiting for the top 3 most dangerous signs in the whole zodiac, as well as the serial killers who shared these signs.

Sags are known to be..well crazy. They are master manipulators, leaders, and control freaks.
These types of qualities can cause the wrong type of person to commit some pretty atrocious acts.
Infamous and deadly criminals like Ted Bundy, Stalin, and Pablo Escobar were all Sags.
Because sags are so argumentative, reckless, and overconfident, they can be tactless and act on impulse. Although they are very enthusiastic and optimistic, their enthusiasm and overconfidence can be extremely dangerous to be around – so watch out, you’ve been warned!
Sorry, Geminis, but you’re considered pretty dangerous. If you are a Gemini or know anything about Geminis, then you probably know that they are quick-witted, sociable, and fun, but have another side to them which is more serious and restless. They change their mind often and are very inquisitive and hard to read. They are very up and down, hot or cold, and as a result, can be very dangerous.
Cancers are known to be one of the most emotional signs in all of the zodiac. They tend to be jealous and passionate and have extremely emotional mood swings which are very unpredictable. They can sometimes be withdrawn, reserved, and extremely sensitive,
which is why they may act impulsively and sometimes even do extremely dangerous things.
Cancers also tend to be manipulative and passive-aggressive.
They’re also notoriously known for not being able to control themselves. They feel emotions more strongly than all the other signs in the zodiac and tend to act on this emotion. This makes them far more likely to commit dangerous crimes than any other signs. Notable serial killers who were cancers include infant serial killer Genene Jones, and the notorious John Reginald, AKA “The Monster of Rillington Place”, according to Wikipedia.
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Hi I’m Bilal Malik, a digital marketing and blogging expert holding years of experience.