The Wandering Jew plant (also known as Devil’s Ivy) is one of the most popular decorative plants on the market today. Its popularity stems from its versatility and ease of care, making it an ideal houseplant for beginners and seasoned plant keepers alike. If you’re interested in growing this trendy houseplant, read on to discover everything you need to know about wandering jew plant care, including tips on how to grow wandering jew indoors and out.

Interesting Facts About The Wandering Jew
The Wandering Jew plant is a trendy houseplant that is easy to grow, and it can add an interesting touch to the green decor. There are many different varieties of the Wandering Jew, but the most commonly grown plants are in the Tradescantia genus. They have thin leaves that grow upright and then extend outward with long stems.
The Wandering Jew plant will sprout small purple flowers which will eventually produce a fruit called Jelly Bean for up to six months at a time. Some people believe that the name for this plant comes from its ability to meander around on its own accord, or from the wandering Jews who were expelled from Spain in 1492. In some countries, the plant is associated with religious practices.
One should know that there are specific conditions needed to maintain this popular houseplant- high humidity levels, bright indirect light, and moist soil in order to thrive.
If you want your Wandering Jew to bloom regularly, trim off dead blossoms by cutting off stalks as close as possible to foliage; fertilize once every two weeks during periods of growth (spring/summer); use potting mix instead of garden soil; be careful when watering so as not wet out entire surface area; don’t over-water so roots never sit in water; water less during winter months. One might also try their hand at propagating the plant through cuttings or leaf cuttings, though these methods only work under special circumstances.
The most common variety of the Wandering Jew is about 18 inches tall and prefers low light conditions. It’s best to keep your new friends on a table near windows rather than letting them roam freely across the floor where they may root themselves without knowing it! When growing a Wandering Jew plant, one must remember that this is a very sensitive plant and needs to be given special attention. Be sure to read our full blog post for more information on how to care for your Wandering Jew!
10 Tips On How To Grow And Maintain A Wandering Jew Plant
In the winter, your wandering jew plant will want a few things in order to survive and thrive during the cold season. Here’s how you can make sure your plant has everything it needs when the temperatures start dropping.
- Keep the soil moist by watering it sparingly but steadily throughout the winter.
- Put your wandering jew in a spot with good drainage so that its roots don’t stay wet too long and rot.
- Feed your wandering jew monthly or bimonthly with an all-purpose houseplant fertilizer at half strength so as not to burn its delicate leaves.
- Place your wanderer away from heating vents which may dry out the air.
- Cut back on watering once new growth begins again in springtime so that your plant doesn’t become waterlogged and suffer root rot.
- Prune any dead or yellowing foliage after it has fully dried out for safety purposes.
- Prevent spider mites by spraying the leaves with insecticidal soap twice a month while they are outside of their hibernation period (March through October).
- Be on the lookout for aphids, mealybugs, scales, or thrips as these pests love taking refuge on plants during the winter months.
- Water more frequently in summer if it is hot and humid outside; if conditions are dry, keep watering sporadic and light instead.
- Wait until new growth begins before fertilizing again or else it could cause leaf discoloration.
Pro-Tips For Propagating A Wandering Jew

If you’re interested in propagating your own Wandering Jew plant, there are a few things that you need to know. The first is that the best time of year for propagating is in the late spring or early summer. Secondly, take cuttings from a new shoot on a healthy, mature Wandering Jew plant. Cut them off at an angle and use rooting hormone at the end of the cut.
Place them into potting soil and water thoroughly with lukewarm water. Finally, place them in a warm location with indirect light and put plastic wrap over the top of the container to keep in moisture as they grow. You’ll know when it’s ready to be transplanted because it will have roots coming out of the bottom. Once it has roots coming out of the bottom, transplant it into dirt and water thoroughly. It’s important not to overwater this type of plant – especially while it’s still growing – so don’t forget to let the dirt dry out before watering again!
Caring for Your Wandering Jew Plant Over Winter

If you’re wondering how to care for your wandering jew plant over winter, here are some tips. First and foremost, keep the soil moist at all times. They like it humid so if you live in a dry climate, you’ll want to mist the leaves often. If you’re going on vacation or need a break from watering your plant, just add extra water in the morning before leaving.
Wandering jew plants can grow outside during the summer months but they prefer being indoors where they get more sunlight and thrive better. When moving wandering jew plants outdoors for summer, place them where they will receive at least six hours of sun per day. The wandering jew is a drought-tolerant plant, but make sure there’s enough light available. These houseplants do not like hot temperatures so keep them in shaded areas when possible or near an air conditioning vent when needed. We hope these tips helped with caring for your wandering jew plant!
If you’re looking for a plant that is sure to stand out in your home or office, the wandering jew plant is perfect. It requires minimal care, only needs watering every few weeks, and provides a little bit of color year-round. To get started with growing your own wandering jew plant at home, try following these steps.
First, find a bright spot (but not direct sunlight) where it will be able to grow undisturbed by other plants or pets. Next, place some pebbles on the surface of the soil and add water until they are just covered. Finally, wait one week before giving it another drink of water and then sit back and watch your new plant start to grow!
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Hi I’m Bilal Malik, a digital marketing and blogging expert holding years of experience.