The Ti Plant: How to Grow this Striking Houseplant

The Ti Plant (or Cordyline terminalis) is one of the most striking houseplants you can grow indoors, but it’s also one of the most difficult. With the proper care and attention, though, you can grow this plant from a piece of the stem into a tall, elegant centerpiece that will last for many years to come!

Water drops on ti plant
Water drops on ti plant

Meet the ti plant

Ti plants are striking houseplants that can grow up to two feet high. They’re native to the rainforests of Southeast Asia and parts of Australia, but they thrive in a variety of environments as long as they have bright indirect light. The most important thing is that ti plants need regular watering, especially when they’re young.

A good way to tell if your ti plant needs more water is by checking the soil for dryness – if you feel it and it’s too dry, then you should water your plant! Another way ti plants like their environment maintained is by keeping them at room temperature. This means that you don’t need a heater or humidifier for your ti plant, just make sure the air isn’t drafty or cold! You’ll also want to keep the humidity low (around 50%) so avoid using a fan when possible.

Ti plants are known for being very tolerant of neglectful caretakers and other unfavorable conditions, so you won’t need to be super strict about providing perfect care. In fact, letting ti plants go without water every once in a while will only encourage blooming from November until February! Just be careful not to overfeed them because they will lose their lush green color after fertilizing with nitrogen-rich fertilizers like manure or bat guano.

Best location, light, and soil

Ti plant petal
Ti plant petal

Ti plants are most commonly grown indoors, but they can also be planted outdoors in a shady, moist area. They do not require much light and thrive best on the ground or on a pedestal. The ideal soil is rich, sandy loam with good drainage and a pH of 5.5-7.0. The plant should be watered regularly but needs to dry out between watering intervals. Fertilize every two weeks during its growing season (spring and summer) with a high-nitrogen fertilizer such as Miracle Gro® LiquaFeed® Tomato & Vegetable food. Prune back leaves that have turned brown as needed.

What do you need to know before you buy?

Ti plants are striking houseplants. The leaves, which grow in pairs along the stem and resemble feathers, can be any shade of green. They can also be light purple or pinkish-red depending on the variety you purchase. If you’re considering adding a ti plant to your home décor, here are seven things you need to know before buying one.

1. What is a ti plant? A ti plant is a tropical plant that originated in Central America and grows indoors year-round. It’s also called false cycad because of its unusual resemblance to the cycads native to South Africa, Australia, and Malaysia.

2. Where does it come from? Ti plants originate from Central America and parts of Mexico

3. How tall will it get? An average height for a ti plant is 3-5 feet

4. Do they require much water/sunlight/fertilizer/pesticide care?

A. You should fertilize your ti plant every 2 weeks with an organic liquid fertilizer at 1⁄4 strength when watering

B. Keep soil moist but not wet, as too much moisture will lead to root rot

C. Avoid direct sunlight during summer months when temperatures are high; move outdoors in spring or fall when the temperature is cooler; place near a sunny window during winter months for increased warmth and energy savings!

Before you take it home

Ti plant leaves
Ti plant leaves

When deciding on a houseplant, you want to find one that is low-maintenance and can survive in a variety of settings. You might not know it, but there are several varieties of plants that fit those criteria. One such plant is the ti plant (also known as Cordyline fruticosa). Here’s what you need to know about the ti plant before bringing it home for the first time.

  1. The ti plant has striking green leaves which will either droop or grow up like an umbrella depending on how much light it receives.
  2. Give your ti plant plenty of direct sunlight and water every two weeks during its active growing season from April through October.
  3. It’s a good idea to keep the potting soil slightly moist, but not wet all year round.
  4. These plants require very little maintenance and make excellent indoor houseplants because they don’t produce any harmful toxins so they’re safe around children and pets.
  5. They do well when they’re grown outdoors too – they can withstand colder climates!
  6. In addition, these plants are often used as cut flowers because their foliage retains its color when dried. 2) Give your ti plant plenty of direct sunlight and water every two weeks during its active growing season from April through October.
  7. It’s a good idea to keep the potting soil slightly moist, but not wet all year round.
  8. These plants require very little maintenance and make excellent indoor houseplants because they don’t produce any harmful toxins so they’re safe around children and pets.
  9. They do well when they’re grown outdoors too – they can withstand colder climates!
  10. In addition, these plants are often used as cut flowers because their foliage retains its color when dried.

Pest control

To control the growth of pests in your ti plant, it is best to use a pest-specific remedy. If you have an infestation of certain insects, there are pesticides that will kill them. For example, if you have ants or scales on your ti plant, the insecticide ‘Diatomaceous Earth is one way to combat these pests. You can apply diatomaceous earth by sprinkling it around the base of the plant and watering it well. Just be sure not to get any on the leaves or stems! Once applied, the dust should stay where it is until rain washes it away. And be careful with those fertilizers too!

Too much fertilizer can cause root burn and leaf yellowing. Your plant needs only one application per month (at most) of fertilizer high in nitrogen content. Now that you know how to care for your ti plant, go ahead and choose yours today from HiloHut!

Watering your new houseplants

Ti plants thrive in bright, indirect light and should be watered sparingly. A good rule of thumb is to wait until the soil is completely dry before watering again. This can take anywhere from two days to a week. In addition, ti plants should only be watered when the soil has dried out completely and it is safe to water them again.

A good way to tell if your plant needs water is if it wilts or turns yellow. If your ti plant is drooping then you need to give it more water; if it’s yellow then you should withhold some of the water so that the roots don’t rot. You may also want to place an object on top of the soil near the base of the plant as this will help ensure that it gets enough moisture. Don’t forget about the pot’s drainage holes! They should never be covered up with anything else and they shouldn’t get clogged up either.

Fertilizing your new houseplant

Your ti plant will require two or three fertilizations per year, depending on the type of potting soil you use. There are three ways to fertilize your ti plant. The first way is by using a liquid fertilizer. You can also use a dry granular fertilizer in the potting soil that you’re using.

The third way is by using a slow-release fertilizer that will be absorbed over time, such as a time-release pellet or tablet. Other tips for taking care of your ti plant: Try not to place it near any heat sources (e.g., fireplace) since these can cause foliage scorch and leaf drop; avoid placing it where there are drafts from open windows or doors; ensure it receives plenty of light, but no direct sun; don’t overwater it.


To grow a Ti plant indoors, you will need an area that is well-lit. The plant also needs indirect light. Keep the soil moist but not wet and don’t let it dry out too much. If you can’t get your hands on a live one, you can buy one at a nursery or in pots online!

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