What you plant in your yard can have a huge impact on the curb appeal of your home, so it’s important to take it seriously! Unfortunately, many homeowners make mistakes when planting their gardens, which can leave them with unattractive and unhealthy greenery that also attracts bugs and damages the foundation of their house. To prevent this from happening to you, don’t plant these ten common garden plants in your yard!

Some of the most attractive plants for gardens include evergreens, azaleas, gardenias, lilacs, roses, and butterfly bushes. All of these plants come in a variety of colors and offer great fragrance or interest. You will want to choose shrubs that are suited to your location. For example, if you live in a colder area you will want to select shrubs that can withstand the weather conditions like fruit trees and Japanese maples.
Keep in mind also that some shrubs require lots of water while others need well-drained soil with not too much water. When looking for ideas for your yard look at different varieties before selecting what would be best for you as every location has different soil needs as well as temperature requirements.
One of the easiest ways to spruce up your yard is by adding new plant life and adding color. Flowers: Planting flowers is one way to add color and beauty to any outdoor space. There are many different types of flowers available including annuals, perennials, biennials, wildflowers, bulbs (e.g., tulips), and more!
The price range varies depending on the type of flower but typically annuals cost less than perennials which cost less than wildflowers. A general rule is that you should spend about 1/4th on flowers for each square foot of ground space because this ensures an even distribution throughout your lawn or garden bed.
The daylily is a perennial plant that blooms on an up to two-foot tall stalk of flowers. They are best planted in the shade and will thrive in semi-shaded areas of your yard. There are many varieties to choose from, like Dutch Master or Arkansas Beauty, which will have flowers ranging from cream to bronze and pink.
Daylilies should be divided every few years to keep them healthy and full of blooms. Plus, they attract bees, which will help with pollination! Choose plants at the height you want them when fully grown for the best results. When picking out a site for planting, don’t forget about accessibility for watering the plants! You’ll need access to water without damaging the roots of your new plants.

A few of the many reasons why Crocus are so loved is that they are cheerful, have an elegant flowers, and bring in lots of beneficial insects to the garden. All these plants need to grow well is water during their dormant winter months and a spot in the sun once they come back. Plus, they are some of the easiest flowers to grow!
The bright red blooms add cheerful color in early spring -They should be planted as soon as there’s a snow cover on top of the ground and never wait too long, or your lawn will turn brown and dead. The soil needs to be kept moist for best results with occasional feeding.
You can start sowing new bulbs now, but you’ll want to wait until November or December before planting them outside. You can also purchase pre-grown crocuses at most garden centers. They’ll be more expensive than the ones you sow yourself, but if you’re pressed for time it might not be such a bad idea.
You may not know this, but crocuses are native to Turkey. And while they were first introduced into Western gardens by Dutch botanist Carolus Linnaeus in 1753, the Turks were growing them way before then. In fact, Turkish people used to plant them around their villages because they helped scare away wolves and other predators from their homes.
A bed of saffron crocuses looks great alongside roses and tulips; if you’d like something different mix ’em up with daffodils!
You can plant pansies in the fall and winter months. These plants are a flower that you can take inside for color during the off-season. The purple and yellow varieties will add some zest to your decorating scheme. They also grow well in containers so they’re great if you don’t have much space or live in an apartment.
These beautiful perennials have broad, shiny green leaves that offer plenty of shade and can tolerate low-light situations. Hostas come in a variety of colors and sizes so you are sure to find one that fits your tastes.
There are many varieties of Hosta available for gardeners. The biggest difference between the various types is size and color, with three different color varieties (green, white, and yellow). There are also plants named after towns in Japan (e.g., Japan hosta) or those with Latin names (e.g., Argentina). Lastly, there are extras like petite plant options or hybrids—hostas may even come with frilly flowers atop their leaves!
One of the best choices for many gardens, lilacs have a heady scent and come in various colors, from white to purple. All the lilacs prefer moist soil with good drainage and full sun. If you are willing to do some pruning and provide it with mulch and water during the dry months, it will reward you with thousands of blossoms each year. The White Lilac is more delicate than other varieties. However, they are vigorous plants that are not sensitive to soil pH and insects as long as they are given plenty of sunlight and moist soil.
Lilacs need space; at least 3 feet apart when planted in a row. They can be mixed with other shrubs, or grown by themselves. You can also plant them among your roses or near your mailbox if you want an early-morning visitor. A favorite in old-fashioned gardens, lilacs are still popular today because they flower so well and attract butterflies.

There are few garden plants that work as well as daisies to spruce up a yard. Known for their big, bright, happy yellow blooms, daisies can be planted in almost any type of soil and thrive in all types of weather. When the flowers are gone for the season, you’ll still have a bright plant with leaves that come in shades of light green and deep purple. Daisy’s biggest flaw is that it doesn’t do well against hungry deer- so keep them contained by planting them around your fences or close to the house where they can easily be guarded.
You’ll also want to trim them down every spring because these are prolific bloomers and will quickly take over your entire lawn if left unchecked. Zinnias: Zinnias are one of the most popular summertime annuals due to their tall stalks that hold sprays of colorful blooms on top. These easy-to-grow annuals grow best in warm, dry climates but will also do well in cooler areas if given enough water during dry spells.
A popular variety, these will produce strong blue-colored flowers from early summer all the way through the fall season. You can give them an annual trim to keep them fresh and tidy in the winter months.
During colder seasons, try to save up your leaves and other natural mulch to top off the hydrangea bed; this will help protect their roots from frost heaves and heavy snow buildup. Be sure to water thoroughly after each snowfall or heavy rain event to ensure you don’t rot any roots which could stunt their ability to bloom again next year. And make sure to add a light layer of mulch on top of the soil before the ground freezes so that when it thaws in spring, it’ll be ready for new growth.
In addition to looking beautiful, azaleas make for excellent hedges or natural barriers when planted alongside driveways or walkways as they can grow up to 3 feet high.
Even if you’re not a gardening guru, azaleas are one of the easiest plants to keep alive and healthy. They require very little upkeep and maintenance while they are small (they typically grow between 2 – 8 feet in height), making them a great option for those who may be busy with other tasks or don’t have much time on their hands each day. However, it is important that you avoid pruning your plant too harshly as doing so can damage its growth and overall look. Also, remember that azaleas need full sunlight in order to thrive!
Once you have purchased some dahlias, these flowers are a must-have for every garden. The vibrant and bold color combinations of dahlias provide an extra pop of life to any floral display. It is also important to point out that the flowers provide a great scent and produce nectar which is loved by hummingbirds. Another noteworthy point is that this plant has been grown by home gardeners for years, making it the quintessential flower used in weddings.
Sitting on the porch, with a smile on your face and a cold beer in your hand after a long day of work is something that should not be taken for granted. You may even find yourself going to the local nursery and buying some plants to make your property more beautiful or inviting. A side note, once you find out what plants work best for you don’t be afraid to change it up, because variety is always the spice of life. What are your favorite garden plants?
Also, check out the latest articles “Raised garden bed” and “Bee garden“
Hi I’m Bilal Malik, a digital marketing and blogging expert holding years of experience.