Creeping speedwell (Veronica filiformis) is an excellent plant to add texture and color to your garden all year long, especially in summer and fall when many other perennials have faded away. These flowers can be grown in sunny or partially shaded areas, making them perfect for virtually any landscape, but they do have some preferences that will help you grow the best possible creeping speedwell plants. Here are six tips on how to grow creeping speedwell so you’ll get the biggest, most beautiful blooms from these charming little plants in your garden.

Botanical Name | Veronica filiformis |
Family | Plantaginaceae |
Plant Type | Perennial, groundcover |
Mature Size | 2-5 in. tall, 20-30 in. wide |
Sun Exposure | Full, partial |
Soil Type | Loamy, sandy, clay, moist but well-drained |
Soil pH | Neutral |
Bloom Time | Spring, summer |
Flower Color | Pink, blue, purple |
Hardiness Zones | 3-9, USA |
Native Area | Europe, Asia |
Who can grow to creep speedwell?
Creeping speedwell flowers can grow in some of the harshest environments including, acidic soil, moist ground, and drought conditions. This makes creeping speedwell a reliable plant for gardeners of all skill levels. They are long-lasting blooms with a variety of colors such as white, pink, and purple to choose from. As an added bonus, creeping speedwell is also deer resistant. The only requirement needed to grow creeping speedwell is sunlight and lots of water during the hottest parts of summer.
However, one should take note that creeping speedwell cannot tolerate extreme temperatures either so it may be best to wait until early spring to replant or purchase more plants in order to be safe. There are many varieties of creeping speedwell but if you have difficulty finding one at your local nursery, try looking online. If you’re interested in growing this easy flowering plant, here are six tips to help make sure you do it right:
- Creeping speedwells thrive in sunny areas
- If they get too much sun they will brown up
- They need good drainage to survive humid climates
- Creeping speedwell needs plenty of moisture throughout hot months (June through September)
- Keep fertilizer away from the roots because too much nitrogen will burn them out
- Water well after planting creeping speedwell. Once established, once every three weeks should suffice as maintenance. Prune when necessary, especially after the first year of growth when most new growth comes from rootstock rather than shoots on top of the ground.
- Avoid using any type of chemical or fertilizer on these hardy perennials; it’s better to use mulch around their base instead to provide nutrients. Creeping speedwell grows quickly and covers large spaces quickly making it a great choice for novice gardeners!
Choosing the right container for growing creeping speedwell

Creeping speedwell grows best in a medium size container that allows for good drainage. Choose pots, planters, and window boxes with either narrow or wider openings at the top to suit your space. Planting creeping speedwell in an area of the garden with moist soil provides optimal conditions. Be sure to add plenty of compost as this will help conserve moisture in the root zone during dry spells.
To prevent weed growth around creeping speedwell containers, select containers with a different type of surface at the bottom than on top. For example, large terracotta containers are excellent for growing creeping speedwell because they are porous and allow water to seep through easily but have a raised lip at the base to contain any unwanted weeds from spreading below the container’s perimeter.
Larger plastic pots are also suitable but require more frequent watering and weeding. Alternatively, use elevated containers like hanging baskets where creeping speedwell can thrive without fear of becoming overgrown by other taller plants nearby.
Though it is not difficult to grow creeping speedwell, it does take some planning ahead to provide the plant with a healthy environment. It is important to remember that when dealing with such small plants, even small changes in light levels and soil composition can make all the difference between thriving and dying.
When should I plant my creeping speedwell?
Creeping speedwell (silene Florida) is a perennial flowering plant that typically blooms in late winter and early spring. To encourage an early bloom, be sure to plant creeping speedwells in the fall. The best time to plant is in late October or November as this will allow the creeping speedwells to become fully established before their spring flowers.
Be sure not to overwater, overwatering will cause rot on creeping speedwell leaves which can affect the size of your flower. Creeping speedwell prefers well-drained soil so you may need to amend your soil with gravel or perlite if it is too heavy and wet. You should also consider planting in groups instead of just one because it makes the plants easier to maintain and control.
Creeping speedwells should be planted about 4 inches apart. And finally, some common problems with creeping speedwell are leaf spots, rust fungi, downy mildew fungi, powdery mildew fungi, botrytis fungus, and drought stress. These problems are often easily remedied by keeping up with watering your creeping speedwell plants and pruning out diseased portions of the plant.
Which soil mixture works best for growing creeping speedwell?
A balanced mixture of high-quality compost and well-rotted manure (or both) works best for growing creeping speedwell. These ingredients provide all the nutrients plants need to thrive, including trace minerals and some important organic compounds that soil on its own can’t always provide. The soil should be moist and fertile, so you’ll want to mix in a little organic fertilizer when you add dirt to your containers or planters.
Make sure you plant your creeping speedwell seeds at a depth of no more than one millimeter (1/25 inch) to get the best possible germination rate. After sowing the seed, water it gently but thoroughly with a light spray from a spray bottle or mister to wet it down. Then cover the surface with just enough soil to make it barely visible—perhaps 2 mm (1/16 inch).
Water again once or twice after planting to make sure everything is evenly moistened and give it a gentle shake every day for about two weeks after planting to keep it from becoming clumped together. Be careful not to overwater, as this will rot roots and leave them vulnerable—a problem with any plants but especially those that are small and delicate like creeping speedwell!
How much light does creeping speedwell need?

Creeping speedwell will grow in most garden soils. It does need a minimum of 6 hours of sunlight daily and should be spaced about one foot apart from each other to allow for optimum growth. However, if there is not enough light, creeping speedwell can be prone to pests such as aphids, thrips, and fungal diseases like powdery mildew. Your creeping speedwell plant should be watered regularly when the soil is dry or moist with standing water. Too much water can result in spreading fungal diseases in your plants, so keep an eye on the amount you’re giving them.
The best time to water them is during their active growing period which usually starts in late winter and ends around early summer. Add mulch every few weeks during this time to help retain moisture in the soil as well. You’ll know they’re done flowering when all of their foliage has turned brown and withered away completely. They’re ready for dividing at this point which is best done after the first frost has come through. To divide your creeping speedwell, grab a shovel and dig up its roots.
Take some scissors and cut off any dead roots that are hanging off the bottom of the stem. Separate individual plants by cutting just below where two new stems meet. Place each root ball into an individual pot with new soil added to it (about 2 inches deep). When planting these back into your garden bed, leave space between them again because overcrowding will lead to problems such as low-quality flowers, low yields, and pest infestations. Make sure to fertilize occasionally, especially before the blooming season begins.
When do I prune my creeping speedwell plants?
Creeping speedwell grows best in partial to full shade, although it will grow in full sun with some moisture and protection. This plant does best in cool climates where the soil does not dry out too quickly. Light annual pruning will keep creeping speedwell looking neat and healthy and promote new growth. Prune during dormancy when the plant is dormant mid-winter through early spring, or late summer through autumn if you live in a warmer climate.
Cut back any dried stems that have been damaged by winter cold to remove unsightly bare spots on the stem, up to about one-third of its length from the ground. If you’ve just planted creeping speedwell, wait until after the first year to prune; otherwise, wait until after flowering has finished. Light maintenance pruning such as removing dead flowers and other dead parts is also fine throughout the growing season. Wait until the plants are completely dormant before cutting them down completely so they can regenerate next year.
The number one tip we can offer you is not to transplant your creeping speedwells. It’s best to plant them where they will be planted. In addition, make sure the plants are watered at least twice a week and fertilized in accordance with the instructions on the fertilizer package. The more water, sunlight, and fertilizer you give them, the more likely they are to grow lushly. The only way to truly lose creeping speedwell is by tearing it out by the roots or by neglecting it for too long.
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Hi I’m Bilal Malik, a digital marketing and blogging expert holding years of experience.